The Best Nootropics: What They Do and Which Ones Are Worth It

The Best Nootropics: What They Do and Which Ones Are Worth It

Nootropics are a broad term for supplements and drugs that can help the brain. They often come in the form of pills or powders and are used to improve memory, attention, mood and focus. TheĀ More expensive Natural Nootropics exist on a diverse spectrum of substances, so you’ll want to find out what will work best for your body before popping a pill. Keep in mind, recent supplements have been associated with increased risk of certain side effects like heart attack and stroke, so you’ll want to be sure how they affect your body before taking them.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics are drugs or supplements often used to improve memory, attention, focus, mood and more. They’re frequently called smart drugs. They’re sometimes sold as ‘brain enhancers’ or ‘cognitive enhancers.’ Nootropics can be natural substances like foods and plant extracts, synthetic compounds (eg. piracetam), or pharmaceuticals (eg. Adderall). There are many different types of nootropics. Each works a little bit differently in the body and has a unique mechanism of action. Many people use them to boost mental performance, while others use them to treat medical conditions such as ADHD or Alzheimer’s disease.

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Nootropics: How they work

Nootropics alter brain function in a few ways. First, many are known to act as stimulants, meaning they increase activity in the brain. Second, some can create structural changes and improvements within the brain in addition to acting on it. All of this combines to form an overall effect that is different than the typical nootropic effects you’d get from a single compound. It’s all about how different compounds act inside your body and how their combined effects result in a desirable effect for you as an individual person. When looking to choose any particular nootropic, you’ll want to consider what kind of effects it’s reported to produce.

Nootropics: Racetams

Piracetam is the original racetam and is the most widely used nootropic available on the market today. A few other compounds are variations on piracetam, though they produce far fewer effects than piracetam itself. Piracetam has been reported to improve memory in several studies, as well as reduce anxiety, improve mood and decrease depression. According to, it has potential to improve verbal learning, memory recall and attention span. In some people it helps improve focus, motor control and reaction time. Long-term use of piracetam may cause headaches that aren’t a result of eyestrain or caffeine consumption.

Nootropics: Racetams

Piracetam is the original racetam and is the most widely used nootropic available on the market today. A few other compounds are variations on piracetam, though they produce far fewer effects than piracetam itself. Piracetam has been reported to improve memory in several studies, as well as reduce anxiety, improve mood and decrease depression. According to, it has potential to improve verbal learning, memory recall and attention span. In some people it helps improve focus, motor control and reaction time. Long-term use of piracetam may cause headaches that aren’t a result of eyestrain or caffeine consumption.